FHDC created the Ramon Ramirez Fund to support farmworkers and working families in finding housing, paying rent, pursuing education, building assets, and celebrating their dreams. Consider supporting today!
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FHDC is committed to building safe, affordable housing until every Oregonian has a secure place to call home. And we don’t stop there — We believe a home is just the beginning!
FHDC's Abriendo Puertas – Margarita Bautista from FHDC on Vimeo.
Past: FHDC Celebrating 30 Years – Part 1 from FHDC
Present: FHDC Celebrating 30 Years – Part 2 from FHDC
Future: FHDC Celebrating 30 Years – Part 3 from FHDC
Click to Support!news

Board of Directors Member Elias Villegas - Chemeketa Dean and Community Builder by way of Teaching Popular Salsa Dancing Classes
FHDC and Evolve Board of Directors Member Elias Villegas carries many talents! In addition to an esteemed two decades of serving as Dean of Woodburn's Chemeketa College campus, he has given many from the greater Woodburn community a reason to get their dancing shoes out on a Friday night.
Grand Opening of Shalom's Day Care in FHDC's Nuevo Amanecer Community
Over the weekend, we came together to celebrate the grand opening of Rosario's Family Child Care Home (FCCH) - Shalom's Day Care! Mike McNally of the Willamette Valley Wine Foundation shares, "Rosario participated in the Primeros Pasos FCCH licensing process, and she attended the business training course funded by Capaces Leadership Institute & WVWF. The WVWF funded the furniture and equipment required for the FCCH."
Introducing the Ramon Ramirez Fund
FHDC created the Ramon Ramirez Fund to support farmworkers and working families in finding housing, paying rent, pursuing education, building assets, and celebrating their dreams. Consider supporting today!our partners