Welcoming Alexandra Morales Sanchez to the Team

The FHDC community is excited and pleased to have Alexandra Morales Sanchez on board! Ale, as many call her, recently joined the team and will join the FHDC’s growing asset-building efforts. But Ale is not new to our work. After moving into FHDC’s Nuevo Amanecer community with her family, Ale became involved with the organization and quickly discovered her passion for helping others. Ale participated with Evolve Workforce Development in the T.E.A.C.H. program (Training for Equity & Accountability in Community Housing), which deepened her understanding of property management concepts and provided valuable hands-on experience.

Ale shares, “Having lived in one of FHDC’s housing properties, I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact it has had on my family over the years. I am happy to bring my skills and experience back to the community that has shaped me and to empower farmworker families in creating a brighter future for themselves and their children.”

Ale is currently pursuing a major in Child, Youth, and Family Studies at Portland State University. In her free time, Ale finds solace in taking long walks in nature, exploring local trails, and expressing herself through drawing and painting.

Welcome to the team, Ale!

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